I am thankful for…….
H omes away from home, Vienna, Valencia, Ortesei……. And not hotels.
A family to travel with.
P op-pop Glavin’s daily comments/emails/feedback.
P earse, and all his randomly funny comments.
Y ou who are reading this!
T he random moments of bliss we experience every other day in the streets.
H appy street performers who do the act for joy and not money.
A nn Glavin, the human compass.
N ever getting kicked out of the hotel.
K ids speaking English that are my age.
S eamus and his unique personality (which usually gets on my nerves).
G lavin family skype session.
I talian pizza, which we will eat a lot of.
V ideo cameras, so that we may show people pictures in motion of our trip.
I nteresting dinner conversations.
N ever having fish.
G etting comments/emails/feedback from people that we meet in Europe.
E xit signs out of a museum.
V endors who try to get you to eat their food.
E xact change, so we can get home a little bit faster!
R eading. NOT!!!!
Y ou don’t think I forgot about the Deelys did you? THEM TOO!!
O wning a business (parents at least).
N ever getting up before 9 unless there is a flight/train.